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Reiki Benefits cont.

 ... chronic pain and stress which is a leading cause of disease and illnesses. Reiki can also help provide guidance and clarity into why the illness developed in the first place. In addition, the American Cancer Society states that Reiki can help alleviate the side effects of cancer patients undergoing cancer treatments. Reiki can help relieve addictions and ease the physical withdrawals felt from chemical dependencies. There are also studies underway to test the affect of Reiki on autism patients and other similar disorders.


Reiki Helps to Achieve Complete Wellness 
More and more people are seeking complementary, alternative healing methods to achieve complete wellness. Some medical practices only treat the symptoms and never fully address the initial cause of the problem or fail to look beyond the physical to address the mental or emotional state of the patient. Reiki can help you achieve complete wellness by addressing the physical, mental and emotional issues that can be holding you back from achieving perfect health of mind, body and spirit.


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